About us

The Snake Pit has been a local landmark for over 140 years. Located at the fork of the Coeur d’Alene River, it has served as a boom-town bar, railroad layover, hotel, house of ill repute and starting point for loggers and miners of yesteryear.

Over the years, our customers have added their own pieces of history to The Snake Pit by contributing unique items and memorabilia for display. Please take a look around and let our walls tell the story!

The Snake Pit, known overWeathervane-Sketch-small the years as the Enaville Resort, Josie's, Clark Hotel and many other names, has been a landmark for over 135 years.

Located at the fork of the Coeur d'Alene river, the Snake Pit has served as a boomtown bar, railroad layover, hotel, house of ill repute and starting point for loggers and miners of yesteryear. Today...the Snake Pit blends the new with the old in providing you with the finest...meeting old friends and new in the rustic atmosphere while enjoying your favorite food and drink.

How The Snake Pit Got Its Name

The naming of the Snake Pit has as many interesting stories as there are people, not to mention a history as long as your arm. Josie and Al Bates took over the Snake Pit in 1954. It had also been called The Clark Hotel. John and Alice Clark ran the hotel from the early 1900s to the early 1940s. They sold it to the Tomherlins, then it was sold to the Southwicks, who ran it in the early 50s.

Josie and Al Bates took over the Snake Pit in 1954. Josie came up with the 'Enaville Resort' name to make the place sound more respectable when she finally got around to applying for a liquor license. During the 1974 flood, they tied boats up at the foot of the steps (water was that high) and took pictures to send to Boise-to make the place look like a real resort.

An old-timer mentioned they used to call the "girls of the morning" snakes.

Before there was indoor plumbing, the outdoor 'privies' were out back near a swampy area. People used to see water snakes. One customer says they would catch 'em and put them in a glass enclosure and bring them inside from time to time.

There was also a murder/suicide here. A male customer shot a gal, then killed himself. Another longtime resident remembers getting off the train from Kellogg to transfer to a train going up the North Fork. He came over to get a bit to eat and found there was a fellow lying at the bottom of the stairs who had been knifed. He remembers people were literally stepping over the corpse to get up and down the stairs.

The Enaville Resort was of course located in Enaville, which was named for a railroad crewman's wife who was also the postmistress at the time. Her name was Ena.

A Little History of the Snake Pit

We have traced the business back to 1879. Johnson, then Cameron ran the business in the early days. There was a fire of a "suspicious nature" on New Year's Eve of 1911. The business just kept going on as a rebuild was going on."The Snake Pit serves as a hotel, railroad layover, and...a few girls...if you look at the façade, you will seeSkull-red-light where horns are on it. The skull of a bull has two red light bulbs for eyes. Guess who was available when the eyes lit up? (I didn't know this until about 1990, and a person told me. I got up in the attic and sure enough, an electric cord ran to a switch in the front room upstairs! )"



In the early days, Enaville was a transportation center for railroaders, miners and loggers. It was also a railroad changeover, important for early log drives. An old timer names Warren Van says he could watch logs sink when they hit the south fork water. Mine waste made the logs very slippery to ride, and the tailings were so heavy at times that it sank the logs.

Enaville over the years was considered the Gateway to the Upper North Fork. It was settled by Finlanders. The Enaville post office sorted all the mail for the hundreds of young workers up the upper North Fork working in CCC camps.

The Paintings

The paintings in the place are by Joe Breckenridge, known as the "fastest artist in the West." He did many! He used cheap paint and some on the wall board have faded and been covered over. Breckenridge was given permission to reproduce C.M Russell's paintings.


The unique furniture in the Snake Pit was built by a man of the name of Equil in the mid to late 1950s. He would work on one piece till it was finished. He spent his summers looking for wood and had a cabin behind the place where he worked on the various pieces. Upstairs, (closed to the public) we have beds, dressers, chairs and other pieces also built by him.

The elk-horn chair "the horny chair" was built with the remains of an elk shot in 1954. The builder used the elk horns and the elk skin.


Josie started in the mid-1950s. The place was in pretty bad shape, and she wanted to bring it up to snuff. Most items were donated by people who wanted to share their recollections with others.

The NASA pictures were taken by Josie's son, Hank, who was a photographer for the Navy when the space program was in its infancy. He left some one-of-a-kind photos.

Mitzi the wonder dog was a fixture at the resort for years with her owner Don Krueger. Mitzi even had her own table.


The flooring is mostly bird-eye maple. It came out of a tavern called the Bungalow in Cataldo. One long-time resident remembered roller-skating during the week, then fighting and dancing on the weekend. Josie had the flooring installed in the early 1960s.


The fireplace was added by Al Bates. Everyone brought in a "pet rock" or two. There's a rock "heart" a ceramic "frog" and other pieces in the final work-including a piece of petrified wood from Montana.


Burls are large growths on trees. The one standing on the front porch is white pine; the one hanging up is off a cedar tree. The cedar burl was brought in by a deceased resident named Joe Paul, which he brought down the river in the early 1950s. Joe was a Canadian. His father was an Indian. Joe was a boxer, mined at the page, worked on a dairy farm and had teams of horses for delivering supplies to miners and loggers working on the North Fork.

Enaville in 1908 - A Boomtown

Enaville Booms proclaimed the headline. The building of the Idaho Northern Railroad from Enaville to Murray, up the North Fork of the Coeur d'Alene in Shoshone County, back in 1908 caused a big boom in the spring of that year. This occurred in late March, when some 400 men were hard at work, clearing and grading the right of way for the new line.

Labor camps were set up a mile apart for a distance of seven miles up the river from Enaville, and the construction company eventually had 2,000 men at work scattered along the 30 miles from Enaville to Murray. The crews grew as fast as the snow melted that spring.

The Wardner news, in its edition of March 28, 1908, relates the story with the aforementioned headline.

"If anyone wants to see a booming town and one that bids fair to make the far-famed city of Taft, Montana, take a back seat, they only need to go down to Enaville at the west side of the famed Coeur d'Alene Mining District where a few short weeks ago was a barren piece of lowlands is today a bustling little community of businessmen and laborers and soldiers of fortune".

The Great Fire

The Great Fire of 1910 (also commonly referred to as the Big Blowup, the Big Burn, or the Devil's Broom fire) was a wildfire that burned about three million acres (1,214,057 ha), approximately the size of Connecticut) in northeast Washington, northern Idaho (the panhandle), and western Montana. The area burned included parts of the Bitterroot, Cabinet, Clearwater, Coeur d'Alene, Flathead, Kaniksu, Kootenai, Lewis and Clark, Lolo, and St. Joe National Forests. The firestorm burned over two days (August 20-21, 1910), and killed 87 people, mostly firefighters. It is believed to be the largest, although not the deadliest, forest fire in U.S. history. The outcome was to highlight firefighters as public heroes while raising public awareness surrounding national nature conservation.

The Big Blowup

On August 20, a cold front blew in and brought hurricane-force winds, whipping the hundreds of small fires into one or two blazing infernos. The fire was impossible to fight; there were too few men and too little supplies. The United States Forest Service (then called the National Forest Service) was only five years old at the time and unprepared for the possibilities of this dry summer. Later, at the behest of President William Howard Taft, the U.S. Army, 25th Infantry Regiment (known as the Buffalo Soldiers), was brought in to help fight the blaze.

Smoke from the fire was said to have been seen as far east as Watertown, New York and as far south as Denver, Colorado. It was reported that at night, 500 miles (800 km) out into the Pacific Ocean, ships could not navigate by the stars because the sky was cloudy with smoke.


Northern Pacific Railway

The Northern Pacific Railway began building a transcontinental railroad route across the northern United States from Minnesota to the Pacific Coast in 1870. Crews built from both the eastern and western ends, progressing towards a yet undetermined meeting point somewhere in between. The two crews finally met near the Independence Creek in Western Montana on August 22, 1883. At this point the track was connected, completing the transcontinental line; however, the "golden spike" completion ceremony would not occur until September 8, 1883.

The site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on August 19, 1983. A wooden sign erected by the Northern Pacific marking the location still exists and can be seen from Interstate 90 near where the Independence Creek runs into the Clark Fork River.

Labor Disputes

There were two related incidents between miners and mine owners in Coeur d'Alene: the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho labor strike of 1892, and the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho labor confrontation of 1899.

The confrontation of 1899 resulted from the miners' frustrations with mine operators that paid lower wages; hired Pinkerton or Thiel operatives to infiltrate the union; and routinely fired any miner who held a union card.

Angered by wage cuts, Coeur d'Alene area miners conducted a strike in 1892. The strike erupted in violence when union miners discovered they had been infiltrated by a Pinkerton agent who had routinely provided union information to the mine owners. After several deaths, the U.S. army occupied the area and forced an end to the strike. The response to that violence, disastrous for the local miners' union, became the primary motivation for the formation of the Western Federation of Miners (WFM) the following year.

In the period from 1899 to 1901...

Federal troops demonstrated the power of the back east [mine] owners, compelling some miners to work at gunpoint, others to build their own bull-pens, inventing the rustling card system so no man could hunt a job without the sheriff's approval, and using Governor Steunenberg, whom the miners had helped elect as a Populist, to oust the elected local authorities who might have some sympathy for the strikers.

The Bunker Hill Mining Company at Wardner, Idaho, was profitable, having paid more than $600,000 in dividends. Miners working in the Bunker Hill and Sullivan mines were receiving fifty cents to a dollar less per day than other miners, which at that time represented a significant percentage of the paycheck. The properties were the only mines in the district that were not unionized, and the Bunker Hill company had employed Pinkerton labor spies to identify union members.

In April 1899, as the union was launching an organizing drive of the few locations not yet unionized, superintendent Albert Burch declared that the company would rather "shut down and remain closed twenty years" than to recognize the union. He then fired seventeen workers that he believed to be union members and demanded that all other union men collect their back pay and quit.

Dynamite Express

On April 29, 250 angry union members in their "digging clothes" seized a train in Burke from Levi "Al" Hutton, the engineer later claimed at gun point.[4] At each stop through Burke-Canyon, more miners climbed aboard. In Mace, a hundred men climbed aboard. At Frisco, the train stopped to load eighty wooden boxes, each containing fifty pounds of dynamite. At Gem, 150 to 200 more miners climbed onto three freight cars which had been added to the train. In Wallace, 200 miners were waiting, having walked seven miles from Mullan. Nearly a thousand men rode the train to Wardner, the site of a $250,000 mill of the Bunker Hill mine. After carrying three thousand pounds of dynamite into the mill, they set their charges and scattered. Two men were killed, one of them a non-union miner, the other a union man accidentally shot by other miners. Their mission accomplished, the miners once again boarded the "Dynamite Express" and left the scene.

From Kellog to Wallace, ranchers and laboring people lined the tracks and, according to one eyewitness, "cheered the [union] men lustily as they passed."


At the Idaho governor's request, President William McKinley sent black soldiers from Brownsville, Texas and other areas, veterans of the Spanish-American War, to round up 1,000 men and put them into bullpens. The arrests were indiscriminant; Governor Steunenberg's representative, state auditor Bartlett Sinclair believed that all the people of Canyon Creek had a "criminal history," and "the entire community, or the male portion of it, ought to be arrested." The soldiers searched every house, breaking down the door if no one answered.

As Sinclair had ordered, they arrested every male: miners, bartenders, a doctor, a preacher, even the postmaster and school superintendent. ... Cooks and waiters [were] arrested in kitchens, diners at their supper tables. ... For desperate criminals, the men of Burke went quietly, the only gunshot was aimed at a "vicious watch dog."

One thousand men were herded into an old barn, a two-story frame structure 120 feet long by 40 feet wide and filled with hay. It was "still very cold in those altitudes" and the men, having been arrested with no opportunity to bring along blankets, "suffered some from the weather." The overflow were herded into boxcars. The prisoners were then forced to build a pine board prison for themselves, and it was surrounded by a six-foot barbed wire fence patrolled by armed soldiers. Conditions remained primitive, and three prisoners died.

The U.S. Army followed escaping miners into Montana and arrested them, returning them to Idaho, and failed to comply with jurisdictional or extradition laws. One man arrested and transported was a Montana citizen who had no connection to the Wardner events.

Two of the three county commissioners had been caught in the roundup, as had the local sheriff. These, too, were held prisoner. Later, a district court removed all of the county commissioners and the sheriff from office, charging that they'd neglected their official duties.
